Engaging an audience that is predisposed against cyclists is hard. Very hard. Unfortunately, it is also something that we have to do on a regular basis as advocates. I am not a great person to win an argument, because I get too passionate about the subjects, but if there is one thing I have learned, it is that engaging the anti-bike crowd into an honest conversation follows a predictable process.
- Humanize yourself by finding a connection to the audience, be it one or a crowd.
- Own a negative about cycling.
- Establish a common ground, preferably a fear.
- Articulate the merits of your position from and education standpoint, keeping it personal to your shared experience.
- Rinse and repeat.
You will never change a mind in a single encounter. It takes time, and repetitive erosion of the resistance to the subject in order to truly bring change in an opinion, but it you stick with it, you can eventually change minds.