Riding the bike to work is always such an entertaining exercise. I enjoy the ride, and more often than not, I will ride the ‘main’ road. Today I did just that, and it was a good ride, a little muggy, but heh, it is Atlanta, in the spring on a day with thunderstorms in the forecast. Some days though, are just different. This morning was one of them, in that I have absolutely no idea where the north bound traffic went. Seriously, there was nothing. Not a single backed up light, the entire way in. It was simply blissful.
Of course, in Atlanta no ride is complete without someone yelling to get off the road. The funny thing? todays yeller was a young male in an early 2000’s Toyota, he was in the last car in a 5-6 vehicle line following an 18 wheel Pepsi delivery truck that I paused at a red light to give him a chance to get in front of me on the green light. Unfortunately, all of us were held up by a good 10-15 seconds by the gentleman in the green Chevy Sonic that just HAD to finish that text message before he could go. Anyways, the guy in the blue Toyota decided to tell me, the bike that he was passing, without issue as there was both space and no oncoming traffic, to “Get the hell off the road, roads are for cars!!!!”. Apparently, I am also gay because of the spandex. I should note, that I really don’t understand why this is supposed to be insulting, but hey, if it makes him feel better, whatever it takes man.
These are the moments that give me great entertainment.
Seriously, I’m getting yelled at, by a guy in a car, whose commute I impacted in absolutely no way. The guy in the Sonic created a far more immediate slow down and delay than I did, and yet I am the one that needs to get off the road?
As is my habit, I waved and gave him the Hang Loose sign. I do hope his day gets better. He certainly improved mine by starting the morning with a good chuckle..