Some days are for Site Maintenance

Not posting. The article I had written for today just isn’t ready, and I won’t have time to finish it until tonight at the earliest. Instead, I did a little bit of clean up and details in the weekly rides section, if you are bored and want to look at that. Shouldn’t you be out working out anyways?

On a tangent, I have decided that unless something changes, I am not going to go back to a standard fluid trainer this winter. I am leaning towards a set of rollers instead.

The current plan is a TACX Antares ( or if I am feeling particularly flush that day, the Galaxia which I really want, but I’m not sure I want it $100 more than the Antares ). Comments and opinions are welcomed!

One thought on “Some days are for Site Maintenance

  1. Andy

    I can’t say enough about my KICKR. The segments app is really cool. Nice to actually ride a ride, versus just spin (yet, it can do that too…)

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